The amount of times you’ve probably said Apple ID, it’s time to get used to saying Apple Account instead.

Your Apple ID Will Become Apple Account Later this Year – Nothing Else Will Change About it

WWDC 2024 was an overload of information and Apple completely lost me once they dove into the Apple Intelligence announcement. It was nothing short of spectacular, to say the least. But, I do have my reservations against it. I’ll give my final verdict when the feature is ready for use later this year.

However, in the midst of all the noise Apple made a small change to Apple ID – the credentials you use to sign into an iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV and more. Starting now for beta testers, and later this year for everyone else around the world, Apple ID is getting a rename to Apple Account.

According to Apple:

With the releases of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and watchOS 11, Apple ID is renamed to Apple Account for a consistent sign-in experience across Apple services and devices, and relies on a user’s existing credentials.

I believe this change is a very, very welcome one. The word ‘ID’ sounds like something that came from the past. Though it did make perfect sense, but it was long due for a small overhaul and I am glad it finally happened. The worst thing Apple could’ve done is completely change the way how we sign into our devices – none of that happened.

Do keep one thing in mind here, while the name change is on its way for everyone, nothing else about how you interact with your devices will change. This change is made for the sake of consistency across the board.

If you want to experience iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 right now just to get a taste of ‘Apple Account’ you can do so by going here. In case you’re wondering, it’s absolutely free, too.

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Apple, News,

Last Update: June 12, 2024