You can download the Apple Studio Display wallpaper from its marketing material and macOS 12.4. It looks beautiful on every single display.

Apple’s Studio Display Wallpaper is Now Available for Download – Fits iPhone, iPad, Android and Every Other Device Perfectly

I love colorful wallpapers. If you want to bring out the best in the display you’re using, you need to have a wallpaper that has an excellent range of bright colors. The official Studio Display wallpaper from Apple, which can also be found in macOS 12.4 is one such wallpaper and you too can give it a spin.

If you’re already running macOS 12.4 or higher, you don’t need this wallpaper at all. Just go to System Settings, click on Wallpapers, scroll all the way down to Pictures, and then click on Show All. You’ll see the wallpaper right there in all its glory. However, if you have an iPhone, iPad or something else, and want the Studio Display wallpaper, this one is for you.

The wallpaper available for download is 6,000 pixels wide, which means it will fit pretty much every single display you can think of. It even looks great on an iPhone and iPad. Crank up the brightness a little and get mesmerized with all the shapes and colors.

You can download the wallpaper in the highest possible quality from this link. Uploading the wallpaper directly to the website would be a huge waste of resources and the site will compress everything down.

Categorized in:

Apple, Wallpapers,

Last Update: June 21, 2024