If you want the perfect brightness setting on your Mac, you better know this super handy keyboard shortcut.

Mac Display Brightness Increments too High or too Low? You can Make Micro Adjustments using a Keyboard Shortcut

Majority of us leave the Mac brightness setting at full automatic. It works fine and no tinkering around is required throughout the day. But, there might come a situation when you might want to do things manually on your iMac, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. And sometimes, the brightness adjustment just isn’t right either. One click up is too bright, and one click down is too dark. You want something in between those two options.

Thankfully, you can fine tune the brightness at extremely small increments. These increments are so small, you can dial in the exact level of brightness on your Mac. No more compromises.

This feature works when you use the Option + Shift + Brightness (up or down) key combination. You’ll suddenly notice how slow the change in brightness is. This gives you the freedom to instantly dial in the exact level of brightness you want given your surroundings. I use this setting when I’m sitting in a very dark room, otherwise I simply rely on my Mac’s ambient light sensor to handle things for me.

In case you didn’t know this, you can actually fine tune your Mac’s ambient light sensor, too. Just turn off the lights completely and make sure ‘Automatically adjust brightness’ is enabled in System Settings > Displays. Now manually use the display brightness keys on the keyboard to adjust the brightness you want when lights are off. That’s it, your Mac’s display won’t drop below the threshold you just set when the light goes out.

Interestingly, you can use the same keyboard shortcut to fine tune the volume on your Mac as well. Just hold down Option + Shift and then use the keyboard volume keys to make fine adjustments. It’s these tiny little things that truly deserve to be highlighted, ensuring your Mac experience goes to the next level.

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Last Update: June 29, 2024