Need to charge up that iPhone or iPad battery as quickly as possible even if you have a slow charger? There is a way.

Turn Towards Airplane Mode if You Want to Fast Charge Your iPhone and iPad, Especially if You’re Running Short of Time

I’m not going to give you that ‘imagine you’re stuck at the airport’ example. Because, you want to learn how to charge your iPhone or iPad battery as quickly as possible no matter where you are, not just the airport. You want to do this because time is of priority to you.

The best course of action to take while you’re running short of time is to simply use the fastest possible charger and cable. However, let’s assume you do not have that luxury and you have to make do with a slow charger. What do you do in that situation?

Usually, we end up trying a lot of things except one that actually helps speed up the charging process, and that is using airplane mode. Once those cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios are completely turned off, your iPhone and iPad can quickly accept charge without worrying about providing power to anything else.

Think of it this way, you’re filling up with a pool with water but there’s a tiny leak in some corner which causes the pool to fill up slightly slower than usual. That leak, in our case, are the built-in radios in the iPhone and iPad. Turn them off completely and you’ll notice a slight increase in charging speeds, especially if you have a slow charger at hand.

Of course, this method works with fast chargers, too.

Once you’re done charging, I will recommend turning off airplane mode while the iPhone and iPad is on charge, because once you do that your device is suddenly going to pull in a lot of data, if there’s any and that too will take some power.

I understand some people want to stay connected at all times. However, if charging up is more important that idling, then try the airplane mode technique. You’ll pick up more juice before you reach the next power outlet and that will always come in handy.

Other Things Worth Trying

Another thing that may slow down charging speeds is a case. If temperature rises above normal, your iPhone and iPad will automatically slow down charging speeds. With airplane mode turned on and case off, you’re giving your device a more efficient way to race towards the 100% mark.

Closing down all apps from the background while charging can also help in some cases, but I wouldn’t bet on it too much since iOS and iPadOS are really good at power management in the first place.

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iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks,

Last Update: June 8, 2024