Another feature that deserved a mentioned on stage, but didn’t – watchOS 11 will automatically detect your naps and record it.

Apple’s New Sleep Tracking Feature in watchOS 11 Allows it to Detect a Nap Automatically and Log it to Health App

Apple Watch is a great sleep tracking device and will give you a bunch of insights on your sleeping habits. You just have to enable Sleep Mode for it to work, that’s all.

With watchOS 11, Apple is making some interesting changes. Whenever you decide to take a nap, watchOS 11 on your Apple Watch will record it and log it to the Health app on iPhone. You don’t have to do anything at all for this to work – Apple Watch does it automatically.

The feature was found by a user on Reddit and here’s what it looks like:

Whenever you have to micromanage a feature too much, it loses a lot of its charm, and sleep tracking is one of those features despite being extremely useful. The fact that Apple Watch will track a nap without the user having to do anything at all is exactly the sort of thing Apple needs to talk about openly, but sadly, this little feature too didn’t get a mention at WWDC 2024.

I’m sure there are a ton of things Apple didn’t talk about because the company was too busy pushing Apple Intelligence. I don’t mind features being skipped because time is limited, but small little features like these make a platform great for consumers.

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Apple, Apple Watch, iPhone, News,

Last Update: June 18, 2024