According to a report, Apple is going to use bigger, lower-resolution displays in its cheaper Vision headset.

Apple is Looking to Source Larger OLEDoS Displays Panels for its Cheaper Vision Headset with Density of 1,700 Pixels per Inch

It’s quite interesting how news and rumors surrounding the cheaper Vision headset have suddenly picked up pace. First we heard that the headset will use an iPhone or Mac for processing power, then we heard about AirPods with built-in infrared cameras to assist the Vision headset in its surroundings, and now we are hearing about Apple planning to use larger and lower resolution displays in the headset.

The news comes from a Korean publication called The Elec, and they are reporting a shift in Apple’s supply chain demand, and they have requested Samsung and LG if they can provide larger 2-inch OLEDoS panels with a density of 1,700 pixels per inch. In case you’re wondering, Apple currently sources display panels from Sony with a massive density of 3,400 pixels per inch and a size of 1.42-inches. But, that’s for the Vision Pro. This sudden shift in demand suggests these displays are going to be utilized in Apple’s cheaper Vision headset.

Apple is definitely exploring every avenue to bring the cost of its upcoming headset down. But, the biggest cost sacrifice is in the processing power and the requirement of a tethered device. Something gives me a hint that Apple will definitely have a minimum hardware requirement for this headset and nothing under an iPhone 15 Pro would work. Maybe I’m wrong and the requirement is the iPhone 16 Pro instead, who knows.

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Apple, News, Vision Pro,

Last Update: July 1, 2024