This is very, very interesting. Apple is going to use camera image sensors from Samsung instead of Sony in the iPhone 16 lineup.

Reliability and Technology Related Issues Forces Apple to Move from Sony to Samsung for iPhone 16 Main Camera

Apple has relied on Sony for the main camera sensor on the iPhone since the beginning of time. Even your iPhone 15 has a camera sensor from Sony, and that’s no surprise at all. Interestingly, Apple had issues with Sony when it wanted sensors for the iPhone 15 as the company wasn’t able to deliver them on time. Eventually it worked out and it seems as though that one incident has left Apple salty this year.

Now, a report from The Elec suggests that Apple is set to move away from Sony to Samsung as the main camera sensor supplier. This move is rather interesting, since Apple wants to incorporate new technologies which apparently isn’t possible with Sony. That, and reliability issues which Apple faced with iPhone 15 last year.

Samsung is currently under Apple’s microscope, and if it passes the quality control tests, the iPhone 16 will have a camera sensor from Samsung this year, not Sony.

The report suggests Samsung’s camera sensor is far more advanced compared to what Sony is offering. Samsung’s sensor offers better image quality with reduced noise, something which Apple can definitely make do with. But, it gets better. the new image sensor offers faster transfer speeds, too allowing for faster processing speeds when capturing image or video.

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Last Update: July 2, 2024