‘Shot on iPhone’ sort of lost its meaning for me. But, this particular video changes everything. It made me want to shoot with iPhone more.

This Entire Video was Shot on the iPhone 15 Pro Max and it Conveys a Simple Message – Stick to the Story, Everything will Unfold itself

When you’re watching a video on YouTube, or any channel for that matter, and there comes a point that makes you go, ‘hey, is this shot on a phone?’ then trust me, it’s not a job well done. It simply means the story didn’t captivate you enough and your mind wandered into the pixels instead.

However, if a video makes you hold on to your iPhone or iPad tightly till the very last frame and then you see the ‘Shot on iPhone’, and that blows you away even more – the video has achieved its purpose. It is a complete winner. The message has been delivered, you’re left in awe, you look at your iPhone, you smile and think – that’s pretty cool.

That’s exactly what Faruk from the iPhonedo YouTube channel has managed to achieve for me. As someone who just started shooting video, I’ve seen a ton of ‘Shot on iPhone’ content, but nothing comes close to this masterpiece. It is all shot on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, all 1,000 clips and then put together using Final Cut Pro X.

When you watch this video, crank up the brightness all the way to full, wear headphones and enjoy the ride:

I always thought a massive mirrorless camera with the chunkiest lens is the way to go to pull in an audience. This video shows how good an iPhone can be, if you just give it a chance.

I’m still in the process of learning and I am always left blown away by content like this from time to time. But, this particular one feels right at home for some reason. It feels pure, doesn’t feel pushed, and more importantly, makes you want to create.

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Apple, iPhone, News,

Last Update: August 29, 2024