A new iPhone usually takes a few weeks to arrive in Korea after announcement, but with iPhone 16, Apple is planning to launch it way earlier.

With Launch Set for September, Apple is Planning to Put the iPhone 16 on Sale in Korea Earlier than Usual

According to a new report by Korea Times, Apple is set to launch the iPhone 16 right after its announcement in Korea due to weakening demand in China. If Apple goes for an early launch, and the report does suggest preparations are underway, this might help Apple with boost in sales.

There are certain challenges Apple has to face if it plans to launch the iPhone 16 early in Korea. For example, it needs necessary certifications from regulatory authorities which can lead to the phone being leaked ahead of launch since the device will be featured on the official website of said authorities. It seems as though Apple is all set to take that risk and want to go ahead with an early launch anyway.

According to the recent market share data, Apple’s market share in China has dropped to 14% from 16% in just one year. That’s a massive drop and one that must’ve sounded the alarm bells at Apple. However, I don’t see how an earlier launch in Korea is going to help Apple, since it’s a market where the iPhone has a huge market share already. Sure, it will give Apple a huge leg up in terms of sales, but China? Really?

Anyway, I hope the move helps the company out in some way or the way.

The latest report regarding iPhone 16 says Apple is not going to delay the smartphone in any way despite its flagship software feature currently in beta testing – Apple Intelligence. I really hope this news is true.

We can expect Apple to announce the iPhone 16 officially on or around September 10th of this year. This date is tentative and not official.

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Apple, iPhone, News,

Last Update: August 7, 2024