This came as a huge surprise to me – apparently, I’m the only person on Earth who uses the Smart Case that ships with AirPods Max.

The Smart Case is a Fantastic Accessory for AirPods Max – But Why Aren’t You Using it?

I love my AirPods Max, I don’t have to say it over and over again. Once I’m done using them, I carefully slide them into the Smart Case, the one place they should be, nowhere else. But, turns out, not a lot of you use the Smart Case. In fact, I see people just chugging the AirPods Max straight into their backpack – absolutely no case at all.

Honestly, what gives?

I asked someone very close to me why he doesn’t use the Smart Case, and his reply left me confused – because it’s not convenient. Sure, I get it, it might not be, but which carrying case actually is? You do have to unzip the case, taking your headphones out, when you’re done using them, put them in place, and zip it all together. Essentially, it’s the same inconvenience, just painted differently.

When you do leave your AirPods Max outside the case, you do realize they stay connected to your iPhone and iPad, right? Using the Smart Case puts them in low power mode until you actually need to use them. In fact, that’s a very good feature everyone should consider using. But, on-one cares at all.

And oh, they offer protection for your AirPods Max, too. Who would’ve thought, right?

Now, everyone might have their reason for not using the accessory. But, I want to know what is yours. Share everything with me and tell me why aren’t you using the Smart Case..

Categorized in:

AirPods, Apple, Opinion,

Last Update: August 15, 2024