The news is confirmed and digital ID support in Apple Wallet is finally coming to those living in California.

Apple Wallet Support for State-Issued ID in California is Coming Soon to iPhone and Apple Watch

This means state-issued driving license and IDs are coming to Apple Wallet on iPhone and Apple Watch, both. The news regarding this has been circulating since forever, but now it has been confirmed and those living in California can look forward to this feature soon.

These IDs can be presented at TSA checkpoint throughout the state as a form of identification. Even select businesses will accept these IDs as legit form of identity and hopefully that number of businesses will only grow as we move forward.

Do keep in mind California isn’t the only state that is adding support for Apple Wallet. Only recently Ohio adapted the technology while Arizona, Maryland, Colorado and Georgia have been enjoying these features for quite some time now.

Given the late rollout of this feature, it’s correct to assume that adaptation is rather slow, but it’s still better than nothing at all. Eventually Apple Wallet support will be rolled out to more states in the coming months and years. Just hang in there.

From here, things are only going to get interesting. Only yesterday Apple announced that it is opening up the iPhone’s NFC chip and Apple Wallet to third-party app developers. What this means is, your favorite banking app that does not support Apple Pay will be able to deliver the same contactless payment experience. Not only that, the iPhone’s NFC chip can be used as a car key, too. The only requirement is your car actually supporting it, that’s it. Basically, this opens up the iPhone to all sorts of wonderful things.

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Last Update: August 15, 2024